September Monday...what can you do to create Peace? in your world? Your community and your global family? If we could cease to have War for just one day think of how much good we could share with each other. My participation in iPeace is a simple step to become more connected with others like thinking persons around the world. I smile...I think...and I question the conditions we allow to enter our spirits and bodies to experience. It just seems so easy to say...can't we just get along? and I do realize this is not the easiest thing to do. My hope is to make Peace with myself each morning and do the very best I can do.
The pumpkin stands are here to see and enjoy and tonight I stopped to photograph them along the roadside. Yes, it was dark but my flash worked just fine but I am so sure the people driving by wondering what this crazy lady was doing in the dark. I had been over to Maya Rose's to deliver her 10th birthday birthday presents. A month or so back I had promised her her own CD to play her favorite CD's especially Taylor Swift. Where have the years gone? I still remember waiting for her to arrive in the small hospital room and her mother working so hard to bring her into my heart forever. This beautiful baby girl took her first breath with me and I was a goner. I know all grand parents feel similar to this but she was my first and my life has never been the same. Thank you for all the pure joy and wonder you have reminded me of that is still visible if we stop to really see the love through the eyes a child.
I did not get to do very much work today but I plan on working tonight with Jay Leno as my background noise and hopefully some light entertainment! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
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