I am holding my little Morgan Elizabeth as Marshall Cole is creating a new invention at his work station..."please do not look yet Grandma". We stopped by after we took JoAnn to the AQN retreat and then went to check on the kids because the furnace went out the same day their Saturn stopped turning over...Life can be so cruel to these young parents attempting to make a go of life and Family. Morgan is a girlie girl who notices everything a woman has as an accessory...especially my big hoop earrings. This is too much fun just being with her and the whole family at the end of the week. We are so blessed!!!
I did check out the Ohio Designer Craftsman's "Conversations in Fabrics" and this exhibit did not disappoint us. We are blessed once again to know many of the wonderful creators of these exceptional quilts . There were several young aspiring artist from Ohio Wesleyan College as they viewed the diverse works and I totally encouraged them to join the ODC for mentor ship and inspiration plus networking with many different educational facilities and instructors throughout the state. I do so love to meet the up and coming future in fiber and mixed media artists. They have a fresh eye and wide eye appreciation for the multiple interpretations in color and design. Linda Fowler and Tracy Rieger did a great job selecting these works from a wide variety of fiber artists. Bravo!!!
I am once again blessed today... to be accepted into the first stage of the Firelands Association for the Visual Arts in Oberlin, Ohio's 14th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Quilts. I now have to wait and sweat the final "in person" juried by a woman I so admire: Carolyn Mazloomi who is the 2010 juror. YAHOO! I have been waiting all week to hear something and now I have to get the piece and the artist statement perfected to get into the mail for the final inspection and evaluation. I am so inspired to get back to my schedule of working every day and inspired to keep up my need to be as good as I can possibly be with every stitch. WOOHOO! I am so excited ...please forgive me for my giddiness.
Several emails and comments shared my grief for losing my beloved "Jerry's"...it was a turn of the century building filled with scarce fabrics, buttons, laces and trims and decorator fabrics no one was carrying for the last 23 years I have been shopping in his mecca for inspiration. Yes, I do admit to shopping at the big "chain" stores due to lack of funds but I work very hard to support my downtown establishments for vintage fabrics and art inspirations...time is against the continued success of these businesses because our society seems to cherish the new, bright, shiny..."whatevers". Farewell dear friend and sanctuary. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
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