Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday...time for art and basketball

Last night Ken and I had a ceremonial renewal of kindness and friendship with dear friends at an adult "Big" city restaurant known as Del-Mars in Granville. Do you remember Cheers where everyone knows your name? I felt as soon as we all got seated we were in for a real treat in both the art deco/eclectic atmostsphere and delectable foods to taste. No lemon cellos were on the menu for me; I had learned my lesson the hard way. Laughter filled the rooms with friends in all age groups and the hum of generous conversations. I am a little late on the uptake because I realized these kind folks came together to help me relax and live a little bit more in the present moment. Ken and I are so blessed by the kindness from so many directions and friends from all over. Take time to fill your day with acts of kindness and small celebrations in every day situations. How did you like Cole in last night's video where we all unite to make a home style pizza and a memory for the heart to share. Mangia!
Today Ken and I went to hear a dear artist speak from her heart about her life's journey as an artist. Queen E. Brooks shared her inspirations, troubles and trials and the numerous upcoming exhibitions she was working toward. There were about 24 of us in the studio and the time flew by before we all were encouraged to try our hand at her perfected wood burning techniques and approaches to using the textures of small wooden discs. I was almost beside myself with anticipation as the members of the room created their symbolic metaphors onto their own work to take home. I had selected a card with the symbol for the "right path" and working with Queen's super industrial wood burner tool that heats up immediately! No more waiting for the correct temperature. I want one now but I have no idea what something like this will cost. Ken made his lightning symbol and added color to his piece that he said was a one of a kind. It is wonderful but I am prejudiced I know. I left with my rough-hewn circle and my symbol with the pride a first grader might run home to share with Mom for refrigerator art. I can still smell the fragrance of burning wood and will embellish my small wonder with some gold markings and a protective coating. I told you I was very proud of my little mark making exercise. Thank you Queen and for introducing us to another young artist named Jonathon and your dear friend Janet. I was exhausted when we finished our errands and I went home for a nap. Please check Queen's website to check out the days images at and to check out her wonderful works!
I need to get back to work as Ken watches the big basketball dance with Syracuse vs. Louisville...yikes this could be a very long night. Go Cardinals! Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

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