Sunday, March 29, 2009

a chill is back in the air...please bless my baby plants...

I spent the whole day in my pajamas working and sorting in my studio. If you remember a few months back I had the opportunity and the audacity of sharing my messy messy studio and with no shame and even a great bit of pride. Vicki Noble and I will be working on a collaborative project as soon as I get a proper walking path worked out. Safety first is my motto and since my balance is still catty whompus ( spelling?)I have to take great care not to trip myself. I was so engrossed in this project...I have also started sorting summer colors and clothes to inspire my need to embrace the warmth of Spring. Tonight I am optimistic that the sun will return and my lilacs will survive these next cool nights. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment and we had planned on a day of painting at Dawes but I do think we will have to reschedule and move indoors to work on an indoor and warm art project. Maya and Sabrina have been creating stone assemblages on their own with special collected stones from their back yard. I found this refreshing and told them about another artist that worked with found stones and wood...Melissa Panko.
I hope you enjoyed the additional photos and such in yesterday's blog... thank you Mr. Ken for your continued technical support as I attempt to improve my relationship with the computer. I love working once again with Ken and trust me he is very patient as I dig through the art process. Thank God for the Basketball on the educational sports channel and the rest of the family continue to stay in touch by long distance and emails. Sorry to say I am out because the Louisville Cardinals lost but the tournament continues its March madness.
I guess I better close early for tonight and get back to my "nest building" and storage consolidation. I have to admit I have been inspired by Somerset's publications about Women in their studios and where creative women work...the answer is simply splendid. EVERYWHERE! I am pleased to see a little progress with each step and reduction, reuse and recycle take on a total life of their own. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

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