I went into the studio..without breakfast...maybe that is why I felt a little off. I ate an Italian sausage with onions and wonderful peppers...it was today's special only 2.50 and it tasted great! Then I was asked to help make some golden place cards for a friends Thanksgiving dinner for 16 people. I played...selected the beautiful papers..punched out maple leaves...then created the 16 name cards successfully and wrapped them into a bit of brown silk ribbon. Happy Thanksgiving!
Then I surmised the ever rising load on my work table... my mountain of piled papers etc how the heck to do you keep this work area clear??? I get into a rhythm and before I know it I have every little doodad and paper and stamp out of it storage place...and chaos reigns! Tomorrow Iwill have a relatively quiet day in my space...there is no party or wedding planned so i should have the space to myself. I plan to start painting the face of my jolly old elf tomorrow..and while it is drying i will return some design elements to their proper place. I do want to get my little Christmas tree out this week... and put together a few gifts to sell for the Holidays. There is an anticipation already for the upcoming Thanksgiving day celebrations and Ken and I are looking forward to a quiet day where we do just what we need and want to to do...I will cook a small bird ...dressing with oysters for Ken...sweet potatoes...hot rolls...and whatever we get together. I will probably have the traditional green bean casserole also but the day is just for contemplation and gratitude reflections.... I am planning to photograph my little belated Inchies...I think I am about 8 weeks behind. Mea Culpa..... Mea Culpa... Mea Maximum Culpa! I am not sure of the spelling...this is Latin for "I am sorry"
I hope to complete the Santa image on wood.... he is almost 6 foot tall and I want him to be reflective with snow and frosty illusions ...this is out of my comfort zone so I continue to move forward...painting on brushstroke at a time and then a reflective dusting of special glitters. Festive and Happy like every Santa should be when a child first sees him. I am including a few photos of some of my visitors...I had a terrible headache by the early afternoon so I came home and went to bed in a dark room before it was a full blown migraine. I am blessed to have Michelle and Vicki and little Cindy stopping by...so I hope I did not hurt anyone's feelings...I was just so out of sorts with pain. Embrace the moment ...one of these days I am going to leave all of my typographical errors in my post...my brain is struggling to find the right key and spelling is a real challenge right now. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
One of those days huh! Well, take it easy, it's late and I tell you what I do for migraines. magnesium 500mg. plus B-2 100mg twice a day. Haven't had a migraine in aobut 5 months or so. I have to make myself slow down and avoid stress also. Right now I'm getting ready for a show, and if I don't watch it things will get the best of me. I constantly have to think to savor the day, no matter what is going on.
ReplyDeleteHow do you like that big frosty boot? Gabby and Dakota had a small painting experience...Gabby is 4 and Dakota has severe learning abilities and brain tumor. I am feeling better and I do have magnesium up in the bed room and B-12 ...so I will try tonight before I go to bed. I should not complain...I have so many friends who drop by and they are gifts. The interruptions are something that will slow down in winter and there is always time to embrace a friend. Blessings. Art lady!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it somehow comforting to have all your papers gathered round and you wonder how you could hace got them all out. I hope ypu enjoy your peaceful Thanksgiving. Sounds like you and Ken will have a reflective day. We will enjoy a small gathering and then host some friends and neighbor's over the weekend for our second go round. Enjoy and relax. xox Corrine
ReplyDeleteOne of those days? All the time! Love the smiles, as always. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a happy place to be ... And a happy day for everyone ... I'm sorry it ended in a headache though! Yvonne is right about the b vitamin though. A once daily vitamin doesn't have nearly enough b ... You need extra.