Yesterday I worked with wonderful women artists on scanned a still life that we manipulated with photo shop programs before we moved onto working with Safe soy based inks to create mono-prints. I arrived a little late heart rte was slow and blood pressure was up so within an hour of medications I felt safe enough to drive over to the studios. Jane and Karin had just celebrated their art exhibit that opened at The Works Art Gallery. Kitty was already printing when I arrived as well as Lizzie working on the digital composition on the scanners and computer. Carol was creating a combined image of both of her life scapes and altering by shadows and intense colors. I wish my mind was sharp enough to hold all the new information and techniques we were playing with on this day of discovery. Sally and Jenny introduced us to Akua and dynamic soy inks that are safe to explore and so much easier to clean up...the natural clean Green solutions worked perfectly. I have a few photos of these energetic women creating together and exploring much like children...I hope to make some more explorations sometime soon. I have an idea to make some mono-prints in the near future...I need to perform some more research and costs factors.
Today I reflected while witnessing the memorial services for the heroes and victims of the tragic bombing of our beloved Twin Towers. The memorial pools and Falls with the engraved names on the granite framing wall seem to offer a serene place to share the grief the world has been carrying for a decade. The ethnic diversity of the families and relatives of the enormous loss of Americans appears to be an affirmation that we can all learn to live in Peace. I pray for Peace with the beginning of each morning...the gift we receive at each wakening... and try to make the world a better place by making my works and sacred marks that celebrate and embrace diversity.
I need to finish 2 more Inchies by tomorrow and will post the 6 missing ones hopefully tomorrow. I am still working on "cozy" and tomorrow's "kiss". You have been very patient with me you have been forced to wait to see the unveiling of some tardy work. My energies are still limited and after a half day in the art studio I came home to hit my bed. (But I am so grateful to Jenny and Sally for the gifts they gave us yesterday.) Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
So good to hear from you!