Today was cloaked in a soft blanket of gray skies. I thought I would be babysitting with my three girls but best laid plans...change unfortunately. Instead I worked on some rotation of my art stuff...which usually distracts me into another process of art play. Focus Mary...take baby steps. Ken has worked hard on my "disintegration"video but the shine on my photos annoys me somewhat. But I do refuse to re-shoot the pics because that would offend the integrity of letting go with Nature. "You can make a difference" is stamped and written through this small accordion book made completely from found scraps, threads, cartoons and some odds and ends. I hope to write privately about the process but in the hope of the Spring arrival I am anxious to see the rebirth of my clematis and day lilies rise up to greet the year. There are artist all over the globe now sharing their works and come May 1, 2009 the big unveiling will be shared on the internet. I have enjoyed reading about others working with this fragile process and what has motivated each person's work. We may never be meet in person but sharing as much or as little as you would like with another artist opens up interesting conversations and emails. Every morning I have my cup of coffee and contemplate my carbon footprint so who knows where this will lead my curious spirit.
I was surprisingly worn out after all my running around yesterday and with two exciting happenings in downtown Newark last night I discovered myself enjoying "standing still". The laundry is done and the table is cleared and now I can relax with some quilting and zoning out with TV. Ken is collecting tax info and I have several papers I need to locate...yikes; but this time of year is never much fun for adults. The month has quickly crept away and tomorrow begins like a cold lion but we are just weeks away from the warm spring breezes and daffodils on my hillside. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
disintegration process and finding the sacred place...

I just got home from the LCA Newark High School "Something Fishy..." exhibit and Russell Merritt's one man show over at the Liz Argyle studio. They both drew quite a crowd with interested art patrons both enjoying the celebration of sacred mark making. The excitement flowed as conversations shared the sunshine that filled a cold February night in downtown Newark, Ohio. Bravo to all the hard working at teachers and their wonderful students who created an underwater paradise full of boisterous colors and waves of exuberance. Russell and Debra offered a serene place to rest at the end of a very busy week; his precious brushstrokes with delicate colors enchanted the viewers who marveled in his strength in such a delicate medium. Bravo! Bellissimo! to both exhibits because you gave our community the opportunity explore diversity first hand.
I spent my day finishing 20 mixed media bookmarks to add to Maya Rose's third grade economic homework collaboration. I truthfully do not remember having economics in the third grade. She has a performance and school parent/teacher night on Tuesday and she designed a "one dollar product" that includes a fancy pencil, a monkey eraser, a handmade bookmark and a Hershey Kiss to sweeten the deal. The money she raises will go back to her school and their future after school drama/art and sign language clubs. I am hopeful that these beloved after school activities with not vanish next Fall when or if the levy happens to fail. These are troublesome times for both the young and the old...I miss my job and its daily gifts. Tomorrow I will deliver my part of the package and we will put the gift bags together with curling ribbon while we watch "High School Musical" while Mom and Dad have an evening out for a movie and dinner. Free babysitting from grandparents saves the sanity of many a young couple.
I placed my disintegration work outdoors in the misty rain under the shelter of my small clematis, in the intimate garden outside my backdoor. After my many steps to somehow persevere my marks on fragile papers (and bits and pieces I recovered from my trash basket from working on my second Australian piece for the upcoming exhibit) I felt a noticeable reality that we are all so fragile and each day is numbered. My words inside my accordion book are familiar..."Art Saves Lives" but also "We can make a difference" both today and in the Future of our Mother Earth. In the next few months I will documenting in both my words and with my camera the process of "Falling apart...hidden in plain sight". How often do we take the time needed to stop and reflect our mortality. I have placed 3 pictures of my disintegration at the top of this blog and I will share some of my poetry in later blogs. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart.
Take a look at my "Disintegration..." video:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Water toys are next for watercolor Thursdays...
Marilyn had two delightful students today and I enjoyed working side by side with these young spirits. Michelle finished her pencil sketch of a loving retriever; a paid commission. It is wonderful and now Michelle is willing to teach a drawing class in the near future. WooooHoooo! That would be fantastic because I learn just by watching this young woman working. Then I witnessed Michelle's childlike delight in platyng with her new set of Yarka...those Russian watercolors that hold incredible pigment in them and it was like being back in a grade school classroom where there are no holds barred. After about one hour she moved to her newly found love of acrylics and she created from her minds eye a lazy river afternoon in the autumn. Marilyn outlined her lessons like a pro and gave them their homework assignments...yes wonderful play with into wet into wet sky! Del Gutridge surprised us with his gentle smile and soft encouragement. Del is a wealth of Art history with his years of the Cleveland Museum and we are so lucky to have him supporting the LCA spirit. Thank you for your every kindness!
I left 10 minutes early to go to Sharonbrooke and meet with my outreach client and her support staff. Unfortunately she was not back from her treatment so I met with Amy to get the needed information to give her a supportive play session. The I caught up with some of the people I met a few weeks back at the first outreach. It was coffee and homemade cookies break while I was there and the staff worked to the room to ensure everyone had a delicious snack. I will begin working on Mondays and Wednesdays to give them the best painting experience and still not overwhelm the patient in Hospice care. The staff was assuring me we would be fine and they would monitor her because I was a little apprehensive about wearing her down though they assured me that she can hardly wait. While there I was there I heard wonderful news about Mary Woodward's class experiences...we are not surprised are we? Mary is the best and appears to be blossoming in her COTC classes. I went to gather some new art supplies ; like the first day of school: and I plan to make a happy little painting bag for my patient so we can have everything at hand for this new adventure. Did I mention that my new friend is just a little bit older than me? Gentle reminder of our mortality? I will see you all tomorrow for the high school class opening because I have to photograph my finished disintegration project. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
I left 10 minutes early to go to Sharonbrooke and meet with my outreach client and her support staff. Unfortunately she was not back from her treatment so I met with Amy to get the needed information to give her a supportive play session. The I caught up with some of the people I met a few weeks back at the first outreach. It was coffee and homemade cookies break while I was there and the staff worked to the room to ensure everyone had a delicious snack. I will begin working on Mondays and Wednesdays to give them the best painting experience and still not overwhelm the patient in Hospice care. The staff was assuring me we would be fine and they would monitor her because I was a little apprehensive about wearing her down though they assured me that she can hardly wait. While there I was there I heard wonderful news about Mary Woodward's class experiences...we are not surprised are we? Mary is the best and appears to be blossoming in her COTC classes. I went to gather some new art supplies ; like the first day of school: and I plan to make a happy little painting bag for my patient so we can have everything at hand for this new adventure. Did I mention that my new friend is just a little bit older than me? Gentle reminder of our mortality? I will see you all tomorrow for the high school class opening because I have to photograph my finished disintegration project. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Today I was blessed by the sunshine from the sky...
Ken and I hung the cerebral palsy Art Bridge Studio exhibit in the central gallery at 50 south 2nd Street. The color, line and forms are vibrant and have an energy all their own and to see the smile on Mr. Skip's face (and his whole staff) brought sunshine to my heart. Tomorrow Lyn Logan Grimes has four school groups of small preschool students touring the artworks studio and she will give them a walkabout through the the new exhibit. Our old space is rented and things as far as activity for second street are looking up! WooooHoooo! This is a good thing for everything and everyone involved with keeping the energies flowing. I went in search of non-toxic oils to use when I do my outreach with a special lady at Sharonbrooke. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful and after much thought I decided to work into watercolors and then progress into acrylics. I have found my text and examples; I am working to keep materials to a minimum but still supply everything we might need. I am more than a little nervous but I might be able to help make this beautiful lady's wish come true. All she wants is time making art for just the pleasure of making her marks visible while she is still here.
I made a visit to the Goodwill and scored two Scrabble games to use in the near Future plus a few surprises to play with. I am working on a three dimensional work ...maybe a female form... but too soon to really say. Maybe being with Jude Tallichet and learning about her sculptural process she is influencing me to step out in an uncomfortable design element where I might learn something new about myself. I have this vague image of what I would like to try but the truth is I have no idea how to do it. We will see ...time will tell; but what the heck... what have I got to lose? I have spent the evening working on my slow process of making my marks on my quilt and yes, the time needed to do what I want to see happen is sometimes overwhelming and yet I find my spirit tuning in on my hearts soft murmurs as I take one stitch at a time. I have been following Michelle's sudden and delightful bursts of painting experience...three paintings in three days. With each new work her brushstrokes beckon the viewer to stop and come closer...I wanted to reach out to touch her latest Poppies. Tomorrow I am volunteering in the gallery and will take my disintegration work to share with Marilyn's watercolor class...they were curious to see what the heck I was playing with. Then I have to come home to photograph its placement in the outdoor elements, my special sacred place and just sit back and wait and witness this process. I am loving rust and its irresistible mark producing qualities. Today I was blessed by the sunshine from the sky ... and then by the sunshine from embraces from dear friends. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
I made a visit to the Goodwill and scored two Scrabble games to use in the near Future plus a few surprises to play with. I am working on a three dimensional work ...maybe a female form... but too soon to really say. Maybe being with Jude Tallichet and learning about her sculptural process she is influencing me to step out in an uncomfortable design element where I might learn something new about myself. I have this vague image of what I would like to try but the truth is I have no idea how to do it. We will see ...time will tell; but what the heck... what have I got to lose? I have spent the evening working on my slow process of making my marks on my quilt and yes, the time needed to do what I want to see happen is sometimes overwhelming and yet I find my spirit tuning in on my hearts soft murmurs as I take one stitch at a time. I have been following Michelle's sudden and delightful bursts of painting experience...three paintings in three days. With each new work her brushstrokes beckon the viewer to stop and come closer...I wanted to reach out to touch her latest Poppies. Tomorrow I am volunteering in the gallery and will take my disintegration work to share with Marilyn's watercolor class...they were curious to see what the heck I was playing with. Then I have to come home to photograph its placement in the outdoor elements, my special sacred place and just sit back and wait and witness this process. I am loving rust and its irresistible mark producing qualities. Today I was blessed by the sunshine from the sky ... and then by the sunshine from embraces from dear friends. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Renewal ...take a moment to reconnect
I met with Cody Miller from the Art Bridge Studio today to collect his students works and print to be hung tomorrow in the Central Gallery so it will be ready for Lyn Logan Grimes little people to see line, color and composition. We shared an egg salad sandwich and quickly caught up on our Art journeys. I am hoping this will bring people back to Skip's for lunch specials and add a little life to the old space. Chris Lang had lunch with us and knew Cody from the Westerville Art Fair so it was like old home week. He was due to teach a lesson so he had to take off and I needed to get to the post office to check on forwarding my magazines and literature to my home studio.
I then headed out to complete my errands so I could attend the art lecture and power point at Denison. Jude Tallichet was a generous speaker and gave a powerful power point to all who could attend. Being in the college classroom with young artists and historians was exhilarating for me... Dr. Sperling was a great facilitator and before we knew it 90 minutes flew by. I took notes and maybe when I am less tired I will be able to outline her last couple of exhibits, it was humbling to meet this woman who has made choices that will change the world as we knew it. Thank you dear Jude and Joy for your generosity. The interconnectedness this a word? of her processes and inspirations. I am so tired but Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
I then headed out to complete my errands so I could attend the art lecture and power point at Denison. Jude Tallichet was a generous speaker and gave a powerful power point to all who could attend. Being in the college classroom with young artists and historians was exhilarating for me... Dr. Sperling was a great facilitator and before we knew it 90 minutes flew by. I took notes and maybe when I am less tired I will be able to outline her last couple of exhibits, it was humbling to meet this woman who has made choices that will change the world as we knew it. Thank you dear Jude and Joy for your generosity. The interconnectedness this a word? of her processes and inspirations. I am so tired but Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Monday, February 23, 2009
wooohooo! I learned a lot today...can I remember it now?+
Between the normal schedules for beginning a new work week and allowing myself to give myself permission to work on my I can get to the embellishing part with beads and buttons. (This is my favorite part of the process and sometimes I get so jazzed I begin to embellish too soon and my threads become a knotty mess.) Yesterday I took part of a live chat with Sheri Gaynor who has written a new book _Creative Awakenings_ hot off the presses. She allows each reader a chance to work into a yearly schedule where you now have the permission to leap into your dream. She gives us, the reader, exercises and adventures to allow creativity to flow in a more gentle wave into the natural part of your being. If you have played with The Artist Way a few years back you might enjoy this next step. The live chat alone was a little intimidating in the beginning but I jumped in right away...what the hell? By the time our time was up I saw Jo Rice adding her comments and questions. There were 64 artists from the UK and Turkey and around the USA. Each question lead to a new avenue or possibility to add to each artist's repertoires /toolbox. Susan Sorrel was the host of this chat and Sheri Gaynor was the guest speaker for 90 minutes. My brain is spinning with all the things I am willing to add to my process. Then our dear Mr. Tony Reynolds sent me a You-tube connection to see a wonderful writer, Elizabeth Gilbert, talk about her own creative process. You may know her book _Eat Pray Love_and in her video lecture she began sharing a history of how the creative process and people have been analyzed and scrutinized in the past. I am still digesting this convoluted process as she describes the sometimes insurmountable pressures and anxieties we often put on our processes and art making. I plan to watch it a few more times to hopefully embed this lecture into my subconscious mind and memory. Tomorrow I will meet with Cody Miller to accept his artworks from the Art Bridge Studio to install in the central gallery at 50 South Second in the Works complex; hopefully we can help bring more patrons back to Skip's Deli. I was there for a quick bite today and it is a desolate space, all dark and cold without the enthusiasm and energy the Art gives a room. They think our old space is rented so maybe a new life to the old place will help add interest...but who could be more interesting the the LCA artists? Tomorrow I need to start the intake process for my next cranial brain exploration in March. I need to do another piece to expose the dreams of scientific experimentation; much like the Bride of Frankenstein. Maybe I will end up with the wild wavy hair the bride was sporting when she met Frank. In the afternoon I will go to Denison to attend a lecture with the visiting artist Jude Tallichet, she is a contemporary sculptor and painter that creates in a foreign direction from my work processes. I met her years ago and had forgotten that we were both born in Louisville, KY. I am anxious to hear her presentation and hopefully her power point of progression in the last 18 years. I downloaded a review and a press release from her December exhibit in 2008 but I am sure she will have a few more surprises hidden up her sleeves. I hope I can keep up with her...I ,too, am cloaked in my blanket of self doubt when I find myself way out of my comfort zone. Do I have a comfort zone now? I feel as if I am in perpetual transcendence with my identity and almost out of body exposure. I suppose Elizabeth Gilbert would possibly say this is normal and is a manner of growth...always reaching. I have so much to do inside my body and soul. I told Tony and Ken I really do not care if anyone reads this blog but the whole exercise is an outlet for my new formulation for Who Am I?, at least for tonight. Thank you Ken for helping me with the addition of links and photos. I will worry about "watermarks" later when I possibly add some of my images of assemblages and collages. I also discovered a self publication spot to help me organize my thoughts into a small affordable book. Yes I do dream BIG! Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Sunday, February 22, 2009
help ...I am being gobbled up by house chores!!!
It is almost three in the afternoon and I need to get to my important stuff but instead I watched another HBO special about a wonderful photographer, poet, musician and film director. His name is Gordon Parks and many of you will know his name from The Learning Tree; a book we were often encouraged to read when we were still in school. He is also know for his work with Life magazine as a photo journalist during the late 60's and throughout the 70's,80's and 90's. Late in his life he came to understand his quote that stayed with me hours later is that in the end years of his life he has embraced the realization that his camera lens as a weapon is far more powerful than all the violence and armed weapons employed to silence the need to have equality in America. Gordon directed his Learning Tree movie but is far more recognized as the director of "Shaft" and Leadbelly"; the second was not widely promoted but most of us can feel the mesmerizing beat from the theme song from Isaac Hayes. Gordon has had his own human tragedies and losses in his lifetime but his ability to document the human condition found in poverty sears the images in his viewers brain. Be sure to check him out if you find yourself desiring to step out of your comfort zone and seek true American inspiration.
This afternoon I will attempt to learn from a live broadcast/chat with other mixed media artists as we "talk" about centering and finding focus in our daily lives as we try to do it all...sound familiar. Sheri Gaynor is a life coach for the creative artists working all over the globe and is very generous to willing to share her thought processes with others. I received an email from Susie Shie (Click her "link" in my links section.), my lady in white light, who has begun a rather large quilt that she will spend the next month journaling on for the second of her Kitchen Tarot card sets. This quilt top is bright and hopeful and Michelle Obama is the Queen of the paring knifes... I have already asked Susie what does this mean? but in time I am positive we will all be able read the narrative on this intensely personal art work that she will freely share with her viewers and patrons. I am sure to have my white lady of art in my "women's work" exhibit next May. Maybe I will need extra vitamins to keep up with my demands and desires.
The light fluffy snowflakes glistened on Desdemona black fur (my dear 18 year old cat) when she dashed in the back door after doing her business outside; she and Rosie both go to the back door when they need to be relieved. Now they are resting at my feet reminding me to get back to work and on task. Their task is to take refuge under my latest quilt as I embellish the top half while they rest under the bottom half. I suppose I should give them recognition when I publish the newest works. Enjoy the quiet of our Sunday afternoons and Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
This afternoon I will attempt to learn from a live broadcast/chat with other mixed media artists as we "talk" about centering and finding focus in our daily lives as we try to do it all...sound familiar. Sheri Gaynor is a life coach for the creative artists working all over the globe and is very generous to willing to share her thought processes with others. I received an email from Susie Shie (Click her "link" in my links section.), my lady in white light, who has begun a rather large quilt that she will spend the next month journaling on for the second of her Kitchen Tarot card sets. This quilt top is bright and hopeful and Michelle Obama is the Queen of the paring knifes... I have already asked Susie what does this mean? but in time I am positive we will all be able read the narrative on this intensely personal art work that she will freely share with her viewers and patrons. I am sure to have my white lady of art in my "women's work" exhibit next May. Maybe I will need extra vitamins to keep up with my demands and desires.
The light fluffy snowflakes glistened on Desdemona black fur (my dear 18 year old cat) when she dashed in the back door after doing her business outside; she and Rosie both go to the back door when they need to be relieved. Now they are resting at my feet reminding me to get back to work and on task. Their task is to take refuge under my latest quilt as I embellish the top half while they rest under the bottom half. I suppose I should give them recognition when I publish the newest works. Enjoy the quiet of our Sunday afternoons and Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Saturday, February 21, 2009
HBO.....taking Chance.... home
I am not sure where you are in your feelings about the consequences of the wars we are currently involved in and losing in spirit with each passing day. Tonight through my tears I watched the new movie, Taking Chance, with Kevin Bacon and his travels as a marine who escorts the body of a 20 year old Marine. Based on a true story we witness how the fellow travelers respond and attempt to find their own way to honor this fallen hero. Suddenly I was trapped in the memory of a summer's afternoon in 1968 when the chaplain arrived next door to inform Patsy Farley her husband had died in battle in Vietnam. If I close my eyes I can still hear her primal scream of despair and unbelievable loss and pain. Disbelief frozen in time; someone we knew and grew up with lost their young life thousands of miles away in a rice paddy field...could this really be happening? Over 40 years ago the pain was still ringing in our ears and shaking our lives as we thought we knew them. I knew NOTHING. Today I am still convoluted about this War experience and yet I spiritually believe and pray for the men and women serving to make this globe a better home for all. Seeing this movie opens old/new wounds as I remember an irretrievable loss and pain for families saying goodbye to family members. If you get the chance you should watch this performance in which Kevin Bacon forces the viewers to question our motives and the outcomes of political minds who end up financially benefiting from this ongoing chapter in our history. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen
Friday, February 20, 2009
The hospital that cares....really???
I spent the day over in Columbus to get my update with the Lupus research center, my first renewed visit in two years. Yes, they do help by renewing my prescriptions with a phone call but I asked the doctor why no one called me in over two years to check how I was coping? Last year was a complicated series of health interruptions and serious brain inflammations, three aneurysms and three surgical procedures to coil and add a stint into my brain. Somehow as a person I got lost in the thousands of other patients visiting the hospital. Once again my doctor assured me that this is the hospital that cares but I quickly reminded him they only called me to inquire when my huge bills would be paid in full. We ended up with a smile when the doctor said to tell the bill collectors would be paid in the "Bail Out" program. After copious paperwork to ask for financial assistance (kind of embarrassing and rough on my spirit )and numerous blood tests to collect data for my next visit in ...August! Do you ever feel like a number in a computer file???
Ken and I went to the cheesecake factory to use a two year old gift from Christmas 2007 and have a delicious lunch with one another. "Time out from reality" is always a great method to put the uncomfortable reality of medical bills behind you. (Denial is more that a river in Africa) We then went over to visit our grandchildren Cole, almost 2 and Morgan Elizabeth who is 4 weeks old. We gave Mom a chance to get a shower and a moment of solitude while be spoiled the greatest joys in the whole world...out sweet babies. They give me such joy and hope so I want to continue fighting to BE here in the present to share their delightful spirits. Our daughter is the most wonderful mother who has the heart of a courageous lioness for her family. Our lovely daughter is so beautiful when I witness her as a grown woman. I realize I am prejudiced but our Erin is a loving mother who radiates serenity when she cuddles with her precious cargo. Young families need all the encouragement and support we can give them as they make each day a gift to the young minds and spirits of dear children. Needless to say Grandpa and I passed the baby back and forth and little Cole WON his game with Grandpa on the Wii TV. Thank you Erin and Chance for bringing so much Joy to our hearts and I am always ready to see where they will grow and go in Life. Unfortunately Cole had to take a nap before we could get our kinetic art exercises and paint a Masterpiece for the refrigerator. Life is one blessing after another.
I picked up the "Artful Blogging" magazine to research how I can grow and share my deepest desires, visions, and playtime with other like minded artists who understand the process of being an artist is the journey we can share with total understanding. I feel a connection that is evolving into another synergized design element in making my life. There is a sense of safety and unity as I join in with a dialogue that heals my soul and yet we may never get to meet one another in person. (even though I never rule out an artful rendezvous in the future with these generous persons who share their visions.)
I volunteered at the LCA gallery yesterday and one table was led by the wonderful inspiring lesson plans of Marilyn Stocker and four of her beginning watercolor students. At my table, I "played" on my project with watercolors for Seth's (another blogger extraordinaire) "disintegration" collaborative process with artists from all over, you only have to risk to dream and share your dream with others and show your evidence on your individual blog on May 1st. I keep attempting to add just one more detail before I hang it outside my backdoor in Mother Nature's elements to witness her collaboration. So I had better get going so I can finish and photograph my bundle of elements to put out into the elements in the woods around my home. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Ken and I went to the cheesecake factory to use a two year old gift from Christmas 2007 and have a delicious lunch with one another. "Time out from reality" is always a great method to put the uncomfortable reality of medical bills behind you. (Denial is more that a river in Africa) We then went over to visit our grandchildren Cole, almost 2 and Morgan Elizabeth who is 4 weeks old. We gave Mom a chance to get a shower and a moment of solitude while be spoiled the greatest joys in the whole world...out sweet babies. They give me such joy and hope so I want to continue fighting to BE here in the present to share their delightful spirits. Our daughter is the most wonderful mother who has the heart of a courageous lioness for her family. Our lovely daughter is so beautiful when I witness her as a grown woman. I realize I am prejudiced but our Erin is a loving mother who radiates serenity when she cuddles with her precious cargo. Young families need all the encouragement and support we can give them as they make each day a gift to the young minds and spirits of dear children. Needless to say Grandpa and I passed the baby back and forth and little Cole WON his game with Grandpa on the Wii TV. Thank you Erin and Chance for bringing so much Joy to our hearts and I am always ready to see where they will grow and go in Life. Unfortunately Cole had to take a nap before we could get our kinetic art exercises and paint a Masterpiece for the refrigerator. Life is one blessing after another.
I picked up the "Artful Blogging" magazine to research how I can grow and share my deepest desires, visions, and playtime with other like minded artists who understand the process of being an artist is the journey we can share with total understanding. I feel a connection that is evolving into another synergized design element in making my life. There is a sense of safety and unity as I join in with a dialogue that heals my soul and yet we may never get to meet one another in person. (even though I never rule out an artful rendezvous in the future with these generous persons who share their visions.)
I volunteered at the LCA gallery yesterday and one table was led by the wonderful inspiring lesson plans of Marilyn Stocker and four of her beginning watercolor students. At my table, I "played" on my project with watercolors for Seth's (another blogger extraordinaire) "disintegration" collaborative process with artists from all over, you only have to risk to dream and share your dream with others and show your evidence on your individual blog on May 1st. I keep attempting to add just one more detail before I hang it outside my backdoor in Mother Nature's elements to witness her collaboration. So I had better get going so I can finish and photograph my bundle of elements to put out into the elements in the woods around my home. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Today was a blur of amazing images and possibilities...
Today was incredibly inspiring for me and the possibilities of Art healing our planet and those less fortunate in Haiti and threading a connection with our community here in Newark and Licking county. The LCA has had the opportunity to embrace and support a very talented young photographer, Jessie Phelps has shared with me her journal photographs while she studied abroad for a semester in Italy last year. Her camera lens transports her viewers to places, times and cultures we may never have the opportunity to travel to in a photon of light. She went on a quest to Haiti with a group of physicians from Granville with the hope of bringing back a story that should not be ignored. I met with Lyn Logan-Grimes so Jessie could share her portfolio and make a connection to bring this young photographer down to the central gallery this summer for the Art Camps, COTC photography summer camp, and the upcoming Art Walk 2009 on August 1st. We are hopefully going to be able to raise some funds for Jessie to continue her journey's quest. She desires to go to Santiago, Chile in September to volunteer in an orphanage for the street children. Now you can understand why my heart was so moved and how an artist's passion can "saves lives". This small, frail woman with clear blue eyes sees the world with the murmurs she feels in her heart. Today was just a beginning but with others helping and Lyn's possible connections over in Columbus this story can help spread the message. I will keep you posted on the progress of this exciting collaboration. The intimacy exposed in her photographs opens the viewer's mind and heart to making a change to break the poverty chain of loss and neglect.
I spent the afternoon searching out special materials for an online "play" collaboration with the process of disintegration in Nature. For the last year I have been following a generous artist living in New York City and his almost autobiographical approach to making his marks both alone and with the network of artists from around the globe. Tomorrow, I will finally get to tie up loose ends and place the project in my "sacred space" (This will make sense later when you see my project.) until May but first I plan to document with a digital photograph to share with my friends over the Internet. This process is a total leap of faith and trust to be shared and nurtured and maybe, just maybe evolve into another quiet yet visible event. Fragility is just one component of living here on this sacred planet so why not include this process as an element in the design. Art is not a thing to be is the way to make a life. Art is an act of human compassion shared . Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
I spent the afternoon searching out special materials for an online "play" collaboration with the process of disintegration in Nature. For the last year I have been following a generous artist living in New York City and his almost autobiographical approach to making his marks both alone and with the network of artists from around the globe. Tomorrow, I will finally get to tie up loose ends and place the project in my "sacred space" (This will make sense later when you see my project.) until May but first I plan to document with a digital photograph to share with my friends over the Internet. This process is a total leap of faith and trust to be shared and nurtured and maybe, just maybe evolve into another quiet yet visible event. Fragility is just one component of living here on this sacred planet so why not include this process as an element in the design. Art is not a thing to be is the way to make a life. Art is an act of human compassion shared . Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The soul speaks in image...Carl Jung
Yesterday was a day for my heart...I spent the whole day discovering the joy a child holds in their hands and if given the opportunity almost always will share with those who dare! It was President's holiday and I was babysitting Maya Rose and Sabrina Leigh. We began the day with morning rituals and a strong cup of coffee for grandma for my stamina. We then went to pay some bills at Dr.Wallace's...a reality check for where the money goes in the real world. Then we went to one of our favorite places if you are a fashion conscious 9 and 7 year old girl... Kohl's! First we pain off Grandma's bill and then explored the after Valentine's half price sales and my extra 20% of coupon. After a successful but thrifty adventure we met Grandpa at the barbecue heaven in Newark...Dickey's! Maya tried a sweet beef sandwich and an ear of corn plus...yes I allowed them to have root beer. Sabrina, still learning to employ her newest permanent teeth tried the sweet barbecue and their homemade macaroni and cheese. For those of you who have never tasted Dickie's delights you can do "Free" refills on pop and Free soft ice cream! We kissed Grandpa goodbye and headed to see the four year in production in animation "Caroline". It is an incredible garden of images and set designs of a small girl who discovers her parallel universe through a secret door. Being an only child is not familiar to my experience but when a child is growing up as a single their imagination blossoms in a million directions. My girls set mesmerized by images on the big screen and haunting screenplay. After the movie we all had more questions so we are looking for the book to decipher some of the secret messages and quiet themes of this unique tale for the young at heart.
I needed to find some paper clay modeling material that will air dry to be painted in our own clay-mation dolls... they each have their own designs in mind and want to start with the heads first... sounds good to me. Great minds thinkon the same page because we ran into Mr. Tony Reynolds and the girls were more than happy to help him select an artsy wind chime for our LCA gallery door. Trust me they had to consumer test almost everyone that is now available and on sale at Hobby Lobby! Let me know if you like the final selection that Tony and my girls made. After a short detour at JoAnn's for 1/2 price remnants for future fashion design gals as we prepare to make our summer ensembles together. Micheal's had a 50% coupon so they help me select a traveling bag complete with three bead sorting/selection boxes so I can travel with my quilt processes and not take up the whole back seat!
The girls and I headed home to make dinner for their parents and little sister who did not get the holiday off... adults have to work when children get to play even if they have to make up snow days this Saturday! Grandpa sliced the beef tenderloin and the onions while Maya and I prepared fresh mushrooms in olive oil and a dash of butter. Then we added a small amount of chopped celery to our vegetable saute while Grandma measured 1 and 1/2 cups of wild whole grain rice and prepared 2 cups of beef broth to cook with the rice and vegetable mixture. Finally we added all ingredients except one final step and simmered the complete meal for about 30 minutes over a low gas flame. The last step was Fresh spinach chopped and added to our complete meal in one pan...ala Maya Rose's watchful eyes. Sabrina gave our small four foot member of the family, Rosie our little dog, complete attention with hugs, rubs and kisses so she would not feel left out. We grabbed our cupcakes and dinner and headed over to the Packard household. Maya is reading this blog and she will report how I did in reporting our wonderful day's activities.
This small ritual celebration of cooking for those we love is an art in its own. Conversations flow and feelings are shared performing mundane tasks to help bring a closeness in family that is immeasurable. Yes I was tired but felt an immense sense of pride and love for my greatest family. Soulful cooking is another step to creating a life that hopefully will remain in their heart's memory long after I am gone.
Michelle Chanel is creating another work of art for us all at the LCA. Her directory project is a colossal gift that can only grow as she edits our threads of life together as artists living their vision here in Licking county. You, Michelle, create energy from the heart and be sure to add your life's message by contacting her asap to be a part of this monumental task at hand!!! You rock Michelle and are doing an awesome job! I am watching a series on the Sundance channel about Architecture School and their images and processes are strikingly familiar with our processes and development! Imagine and Live in Peace!!!! Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
I needed to find some paper clay modeling material that will air dry to be painted in our own clay-mation dolls... they each have their own designs in mind and want to start with the heads first... sounds good to me. Great minds thinkon the same page because we ran into Mr. Tony Reynolds and the girls were more than happy to help him select an artsy wind chime for our LCA gallery door. Trust me they had to consumer test almost everyone that is now available and on sale at Hobby Lobby! Let me know if you like the final selection that Tony and my girls made. After a short detour at JoAnn's for 1/2 price remnants for future fashion design gals as we prepare to make our summer ensembles together. Micheal's had a 50% coupon so they help me select a traveling bag complete with three bead sorting/selection boxes so I can travel with my quilt processes and not take up the whole back seat!
The girls and I headed home to make dinner for their parents and little sister who did not get the holiday off... adults have to work when children get to play even if they have to make up snow days this Saturday! Grandpa sliced the beef tenderloin and the onions while Maya and I prepared fresh mushrooms in olive oil and a dash of butter. Then we added a small amount of chopped celery to our vegetable saute while Grandma measured 1 and 1/2 cups of wild whole grain rice and prepared 2 cups of beef broth to cook with the rice and vegetable mixture. Finally we added all ingredients except one final step and simmered the complete meal for about 30 minutes over a low gas flame. The last step was Fresh spinach chopped and added to our complete meal in one pan...ala Maya Rose's watchful eyes. Sabrina gave our small four foot member of the family, Rosie our little dog, complete attention with hugs, rubs and kisses so she would not feel left out. We grabbed our cupcakes and dinner and headed over to the Packard household. Maya is reading this blog and she will report how I did in reporting our wonderful day's activities.
This small ritual celebration of cooking for those we love is an art in its own. Conversations flow and feelings are shared performing mundane tasks to help bring a closeness in family that is immeasurable. Yes I was tired but felt an immense sense of pride and love for my greatest family. Soulful cooking is another step to creating a life that hopefully will remain in their heart's memory long after I am gone.
Michelle Chanel is creating another work of art for us all at the LCA. Her directory project is a colossal gift that can only grow as she edits our threads of life together as artists living their vision here in Licking county. You, Michelle, create energy from the heart and be sure to add your life's message by contacting her asap to be a part of this monumental task at hand!!! You rock Michelle and are doing an awesome job! I am watching a series on the Sundance channel about Architecture School and their images and processes are strikingly familiar with our processes and development! Imagine and Live in Peace!!!! Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
It is a lovely night for a moondance....where is the moon?
This blog was set up by my best friend Mr. Kenneth Allen as a surprise for me on Valentine's Day!!! I did love posting for the LCA on their blog but now I can share my thoughts and wild ideas with a few special friends. The last couple of days have been filled with celebrations openings that begs me to ask "Are you going to finish strong?" Without our dear lovers and supportive artists we would all have a vacuum to create our individual visions and make our own sacred marks.
On Thursday we drove over to the opening reception for "Passing the Torch" exhibition at the Rhodes Tower at 30 East Broad Street in downtown Columbus. Ohio's Senate Minority Whip Ray Miller was our host for the reception and a dear friend Arnett Howard supplied the music and entertainment for the 60 or so Ohio artists who were participating in this celebratory exhibit. I ran into our Newark Muralist Curtist Goldstein and his lovely new wife and a few teachers we both taught with in the past 20 years. Curtis has an oil portrait of a Jazz Sax musician that invites the viewer to come in for a closer inspection. I could almost feel the vibrations from this painting.
On Friday I went in quest to find a certain large canvas in preparation for my exhibits collages next year. I had Ken's big car/truck so I would be able to select larger that usual canvases because the big canvases won't fit in my small Obama Geo. I then went on to visit "Memory Lane's" shop in Downtown Newark to pick a small supply of antique/old really buttons. I am collecting different materials to use in both quilts and assemblages for next year's exhibit. Then Ken I headed downtown to Skip's Deli to have lunch with Mr. Don Gunnerson to catch up on the latest news. While I was there a young woman came in and asked me for directions to our new LCA gallery which I quickly supplied her.
Saturday was Valentine's Day and Ken and I decided to cook for some very dear friends a complete dinner including a beef tenderloin, baked potatoes, fresh spinach and greens salad, and the usual delight a green bean casserole. Ken baked a sweet banana cream pie and I baked red velvet individual cakes topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries and fresh whipped cream... a Valentine's Day dessert treat with a great bottle of Rose wine by Red Guitar from Spain. Needless to say I have been watching my food intake until that night and boy did I blow it!!! Oh well life is short so you might as well eat dessert first!
Today we went over to an opening with 6 incredible artists at the Spectrum exhibit held at the William Thomas Gallery at 1270 Bryden Road in Columbus. We were invited guests of Lynn Logan Grimes and met Michael Fields, Janet D. George and Jenna Sunami. This intimate gallery is like no other and believe it or not I had been there over 20 years ago when I was helping one of my professors from OSU. I got to get reacquainted with a wonderful woman Queen Brooks and we shared our retreat almost 20 years ago. And since we were already in Columbus we stopped by to see our newest grandchild Miss Morgan Elizabeth who turns one month old today. Life is so sooooo good!!! Now I am home in the man cave where I share a computer with Mr. Ken typing my first blog entry to share. I read a quote "Are you going to finish strong?" a few days ago and the truth of the matter is we all have to just "DO It!" to stay on the creative path of discovery. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
On Thursday we drove over to the opening reception for "Passing the Torch" exhibition at the Rhodes Tower at 30 East Broad Street in downtown Columbus. Ohio's Senate Minority Whip Ray Miller was our host for the reception and a dear friend Arnett Howard supplied the music and entertainment for the 60 or so Ohio artists who were participating in this celebratory exhibit. I ran into our Newark Muralist Curtist Goldstein and his lovely new wife and a few teachers we both taught with in the past 20 years. Curtis has an oil portrait of a Jazz Sax musician that invites the viewer to come in for a closer inspection. I could almost feel the vibrations from this painting.
On Friday I went in quest to find a certain large canvas in preparation for my exhibits collages next year. I had Ken's big car/truck so I would be able to select larger that usual canvases because the big canvases won't fit in my small Obama Geo. I then went on to visit "Memory Lane's" shop in Downtown Newark to pick a small supply of antique/old really buttons. I am collecting different materials to use in both quilts and assemblages for next year's exhibit. Then Ken I headed downtown to Skip's Deli to have lunch with Mr. Don Gunnerson to catch up on the latest news. While I was there a young woman came in and asked me for directions to our new LCA gallery which I quickly supplied her.
Saturday was Valentine's Day and Ken and I decided to cook for some very dear friends a complete dinner including a beef tenderloin, baked potatoes, fresh spinach and greens salad, and the usual delight a green bean casserole. Ken baked a sweet banana cream pie and I baked red velvet individual cakes topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries and fresh whipped cream... a Valentine's Day dessert treat with a great bottle of Rose wine by Red Guitar from Spain. Needless to say I have been watching my food intake until that night and boy did I blow it!!! Oh well life is short so you might as well eat dessert first!
Today we went over to an opening with 6 incredible artists at the Spectrum exhibit held at the William Thomas Gallery at 1270 Bryden Road in Columbus. We were invited guests of Lynn Logan Grimes and met Michael Fields, Janet D. George and Jenna Sunami. This intimate gallery is like no other and believe it or not I had been there over 20 years ago when I was helping one of my professors from OSU. I got to get reacquainted with a wonderful woman Queen Brooks and we shared our retreat almost 20 years ago. And since we were already in Columbus we stopped by to see our newest grandchild Miss Morgan Elizabeth who turns one month old today. Life is so sooooo good!!! Now I am home in the man cave where I share a computer with Mr. Ken typing my first blog entry to share. I read a quote "Are you going to finish strong?" a few days ago and the truth of the matter is we all have to just "DO It!" to stay on the creative path of discovery. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Saturday, February 14, 2009
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