I have been in a quest to make my money stretch as far as possible and yesterday found some intriguing frames at an unbelievable price of 75% off. I have been searching for an unusual frame to employ as my upcoming works will reveal themselves in both words and images. With each small accomplishment I feel more confident in my focus and hopefully will offer my viewers an intimate view into my own whispers and echoes. The gallery should be a good match for the images in process but I still feel an enormous pressure to make my marks authentic and valuable. Now on to the next step in my journey.
I am drawing "rough" dream images before I put a brush to my canvases and continue my stitch-by-stitch journey as anxiously I am wanting to begin my beading play. Some tell me it's tedious work, but for me it is just another manner of journaling and processing. I had an interesting dream where my Father, my Mother and my Aunt Helen were walking beside me ...healthy...youthful... and guiding me in my collective process of evidence. I did not want the dream to end and yet found it to be a little unnerving because they are gone from my sight but not my heart's mind and eyes. They were so healthy and full of life... it felt so real. I am thinking about the gift of being with them once again through my art work here in my home.
There are whispers of change in the air as the blush of color in the tips of the trees and a coolness in the morning breezes... I have complicated feelings about this annual event as September walks through the door. I need to go and work once again but await the messages and messengers in my dream time. I feel the voices from my trip to Australia years ago sounding in my subconscious so I am still listening and looking into the deep well of midnight blue. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
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