Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quiet snowflakes kiss my window pane...

I have taken my quiet solitude to heart today...
I volunteered at the Midland Theater for Air Supply last night....
Two musicians who have been together for over 35 years...tall and short men
united in their melodious sentimental narratives that delighted a full house.
Art saves lives... and the music was just what I needed to renew my spirits after a very busy intense week.

I worked with a young man who delighted in making his Buckeye candle gifts and card for his mother. He chose a special coffee Ho Ho Ho cup and special earrings to delight her heart on Christmas morning. I think I enjoy this just as much as my young artists. I had several visitors on Saturday so the rent is slowly coming in ...Yahoo! I went home and rested in bed ...literally in bed under the covers.... so I could have a fresh face when I volunteer.

"Entering into a committed relationship is in fact a spiritual journey ....
that we undertake with another person.
A most sacred of journeys united by heart songs only they can hear.
Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart


  1. Thank you Tony...where does the time go? I feel like the rabbit running around saying "I am late for a very important date!" The snow is beautiful and I stayed home today and put up a small...very small tree and a few decorations. Hope to see you soon this week! :o0! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. The snow makes me slow down. I'm enjoying it more this year. But, then again I always say that after the first big snowfall. Ask me again in March how I am feeling about it. :)Bea

  3. you are busy
    touching so many lives and enriching them all so sweetly

    I {heart} snow...but perhaps it is so because it is not an everyday winter thing here in N VA

    we are expecting a few flakes on Thursday...the news is all abuzz LOL

    take care my friend
    fa la la
    p.s. word verification: "nowbe"
    Love it :)
