Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Dinner with the Salomes--A gift to the City of Newark, Ohio

(Hundreds of free meals were served.)

Please play the video to see what Christmas is all about.

Thank You Skip and Carole!
My life has been blessed today...
Over 100 volunteers showed up today to give back...
A full course Christmas dinner...Turkey and ham, dressing and mashed potatoes with gravy and green beans plus homemade delectable desserts to tempt the strongest will power.
Beautiful people ...unit...multiple generations
Hugs and good wishes to share the real spirit with those who might not have a Christmas otherwise.
Gentle gestures to reassure the timid...the lonely...the down trodden ...a little cheer to lighten their load and share a smile ...for a moment in time.
God Bless you Skip and Carole and the whole darn have given us all so much in this generous gesture of love of mankind. One afternoon Peace on Earth...well at least here in Newark, Ohio. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart


  1. I think the final count was over 1000 meals were that is something to smile about. The little ones helped share their exuberance and JOY of the season in all hearts today. Good night and dream in Peace, Mary Helen

  2. Wow! you're right. That is what Christmas is all about. What a wonderful gift you gave to others in need on Christmas!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Incredible. You are right, Christmas speaks in the actions we bring to care for others in this world. xox Corrine

  4. With Best Wishes to you into the New Year 2011!
